Tuesday, March 11, 2014

For a Limited Time Only!

My task for Genghis Grill today was to try one of GG's limited time only ingredients, and then to write a blog about my opinions. Our GG's limited time ingredient was Pulled Pork! I am a HUGE barbecue fan, and I'll be honest that I have tried the pulled pork at GG before. During my first week of the competition, I tried to get different ingredients each day, thinking I would get bored of having the same meats, veggies, sauces, etc. But actually, after the first week it got easier. I also buckled down and decided to really study the nutritional information of each ingredient and plan my bowl accordingly each day. So, I ended up cutting any sauce which contained gluten (as I have cut gluten completely from my diet), and I only eat the leanest of meats (chicken and turkey, but primarily chicken). Well, to make a short story long, I have been eating chicken and a variety of the same veggies each day with minimal sauce - but today I splurged. It may be that I just did my 2nd weigh-in and this was my healthy way of "bingeing". I don't know. But what I do know is that the pulled pork is the BOMB.DOT.COM! I even splurged and got Mongo BBQ sauce, which contains gluten, but was a perfect compliment to my pork. I was one happy lady when I got my food. I snarfed it down as quickly as I possibly could, while chatting with my GG staff, then ran to the gym just in time for Zumba. AND I didn't even barf on myself at the gym. I will recommend that bowl to anybody who asks. LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE it!!!!

See, don't I look happy? My bowl has the following ingredients: pulled pork, steakhouse blend, ginger, garlic, cabbage, carrots, green beans, mushrooms, pineapple, cilantro, and Mongo BBQ sauce. MMMMMMMMMmmmmmmmmMMMMM!!!!!!!

*My participation in GG Health Kwest is endorsed by Genghis Grill, which provides me with one free meal per day.

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